Easy Walk to the Trailhead
Walk a few hundred meters from our parking lot down a flat private road to the trailhead.
Private Trail to the Upper Falls
From here it’s just a walk on a well maintained path through the forest to reach the Upper Falls. Our neighbor charges a small maintenance fee for use of the trail.
Access to the Lower Falls
If you’re up for a bit more of a hike, decend the staircase to the lower falls. There are 250 stairs so make sure you’re up for the return trip!

Follow the private road from our parking lot to the trailhead.

When you enter the parking area at the end of the road look for this trailhead to the left of the hotel.

Follow this path as it lazily winds through the forest to the fee station. Watch for trip roots!
Continue past the fee station and down a slight embankment to the collection of pools known as the upper falls.

Follow the stairs down down down to the lower falls.
Once at the bottom of the stairs follow the river upstream about 50 yards to the base of the lower falls.